Winter League
Due to the extreme temperatures, we will be cancelling league shooting for both Wednesday and Thursday (Feb 5/6). Although the temperatures are expected to be warmer on Thursday, we would not be able to accommodate getting all team shooters in on Thursday, as we must be done shooting by 10:00 pm.
While shooters may be willing to endure the cold for 2 rounds of trap, the trap kids are exposed to these cold temps for 4-5 hours. The safety of our staff is always our priority.
Winter league will resume next week, which will be Week 5 of handicapping. This also extends league to Apr 17, with shoot-offs and trophies moved to Apr 23.
Registration is now closed!
Welcome to Weeks 1-5 of Winter League. Here are some reminders for league shooting:
Shooting order is locked down. If you have any changes in the order, we will make them at the end of week 5, when we re-print all the scoresheets and make the new scoreboard.
Substitutions in your line-up must be approved by the Board of Directors. Violation of this rule will result in the team being disqualified from Winter League. Exception is for 5-man teams who are adding a 6th shooter.
League shooting is done on Wednesdays & Thursdays, 5:00-10:00 pm (last squad MUST be signed up by 9:00 pm).
The first five weeks are used for handicapping; all shooters will shoot a total of 50 targets: 25 targets from the 16-yd line and 25 targets from the 24-yd line
During this first five weeks, a shooter may shoot ahead or from behind.
Shooting may be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. Make plans to shoot ahead if necessary. No scoring adjustments will be made for weather closures. Check or for closure announcements.
Shoot with your team! Teams must have more than half of its shooters shooting together to avoid the $5 misfit fee.
Eye and ear protection must be worn on the trap field: 1st offense, warning; 2nd offense, black 50 for the shooter that week.
Do not tip the trap help prior to shooting your round.
No picking up of empty hulls on the trap fields.

2025 Winter League Sponsors
The following businesses are sponsors of Winter League teams.
Shop and support local!
Averill Hospitality
Baiar Industries
Barebone Skull Works
Big John's
Bighorn Plumbing
Bruce Rianda Co.
Builder's First Source - Premium Studs
BuildPact Construction
Century Toppers
CHS / Northwest Excavating
Crone Pro Seal
Cutting Edge Excavation
Fitzsimmons Guns & Ammo
Glacier Bank
Glacier Payments
Glacier Plumbing
Great NW Catering
Lakes Family Chiropractic
M&M Landscaping
Malmquist Construction
Montana Poker Room
Montana Tractor
Montana Truck Works
Morrison Maierle
Passionate Outlaws
PureWest Real Estate
Sands Surveying
Sawyer Creek Builders
Smart Construction
South Fork Land Services
Starling Trees
State Farm - Mitchell Agency
TBS Customs
​Three Rivers Bank of Montana
Trippel Seasons
Trusted Gear Co. / Machine Guns MT
Western Outdoor
Xcel Shooting